The discovery of the misplaced electrical components was soon followed by my futile attempt at removing the headlight bezel. The screws are rusted and most of the electrical is routed through the headlight case, so I'm stuck with the headlamp hanging off the bike and know idea how I'm going to get the darn thing off without smashing it. The handlebars are also giving me a bit of trouble thanks to more rusted screws...
Believe it or not, Things are coming together... well more like apart... VERY quickly! I'm really pumped that I'm making so much progress, I just have to remember that taking the bike apart is one thing, reassembly is another!
Finally, I will leave you with a new list of things I NEED to replace.
- Front fork seals
- Rear shocks
- muffler and headers (Planning on using a 2 into 1 exhaust)
- Clutch perch
- Electronic ignition start button
- Tires
- Front fender
- Tachometer
- Tail light
- Turn signal blinker switch
- Turn signals
- clutch, tach, speedo cables (maybe salvagable, not too sure yet)
- Headlight housing (in the event I end up breaking it in half trying to open it!)
- Seat (discovered the seat pan is bent, a real bummer)
Wow, that list is a lot longer than even I thought it would be... Lets just hope it doesn't grow by too much!
As always, stay tuned for the next installment of the project where I drain the fuel, remove the tank, and sort out the stubborn headlamp.
nice post, the bike looks like a toy without the seat and the "butt". lol good look storeing all that nuts and bolts and small parts. also add all new nuts and bolts and screws cause i am assuming they are all pretty much rusted out. cya will keep reading