Yes, that's right, the bike is completely apart. Since the last post, the stubborn swing arm was removed (with the help of a hammer), the engine was then removed from the frame followed by the front wheel and forks. All the random nuts and bolts have been organised according to their location (forks, frame and engine) and been brought inside for cleaning. Here is a picture of the bike as of today:
Not much of it is left. The carburetors Have been disassembled and are awaiting a good cleaning once the weather warms up (carb cleaner is VERY hazardous and should be used somewhere well ventilated, such as outside). Overall, the jets were rather gummed up, certainly enough to make the bike run rough. In hindsight, I wish I had taken the carburetors off before I began the disassembly, it would have given me a better idea of how strong the engine is really running. Now I have to wait until reassembly! 

I also noticed when I disassembled the front end of the bike that the forks are leaking from their screws at the bottom, which means a fork rebuild is now unavoidable (big $$$).
On the positive side of things, I have managed to order a number of replacement parts which will be featured in the next update. And, now that the bike is completely apart, I can begin cleaning and stripping the paint off the frame, tank etc... and get ready for painting!
Stay tuned as I anticipate a large amount of progress in the next two weeks!