*/ CB 360 Cafe Project /* Help support the Blog!! Check out my Sponsor links in the GOOGLE ADS!! cb360cafe: Arrival

Sunday, March 8, 2009


So after days of waiting the bike finally arrives!

But thats not to say all went smoothly... I could explain, but ya know what, I'll let you see for yourself!

"A little rough around the edges" is how it looks in photos, but in real life Its a slightly worse. I suppose I had an idea in my head of what it would look like. But I'm over that now.

The tank has 35 years worth of dents in it, but nothing bad by any means. The seat looks AMAZING on top and underneath!

The headlight is dead, three of the four turn signals light up, but don't blink. Probably just a blown fuse...

Fenders would need some work if I wanted to keep them, but they're coming off anyways!

And finally, the tires are ready to turn to dust.

So, needless to say, I won't be seen on the road anytime soon as I have decided to revamp my project plans as follows:

This week:

  • Strip the bike down to the frame and toss anything thats not still attached
  • Drain the tank, and strip the paint
  • Lose the handlebars and handlebar mounts
  • Start to remove the engine
I've got alot of work ahead of me and I'm doubtful I will be passing my m1 road test on this bike at the moment. But on the plus side, I've got a bike with a solid frame, a running engine, and something to keep me occupied over the next few months!

Finally, A big shout out goes to Chris at J.C.Motorsports in Princeton, Ontario. He was the one who I got the bike off of and I'm sure I will be doing much more business with him in the future!

Stay tuned for more detailed pictures of the bike tomorrow!

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