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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Still on hold...

So its Saturday, and the bike has yet to make an appearance. So to occupy the time between now and when it DOES show up I've decided to fill everyone in on my long and short-term plans for the project.

Goals for the near future:
1. Through clean and inspection
2. New clubman handlebars to replace the stock ones
4. Get a hold of some rear view mirrors
5. Put new rubber on the rims (will likely to be done immediately)
6. Cafe (solo) seat
7. Re-route the exhaust system
Note: I'm assuming this list will grow quite quickly

Later on in the season:
1. Complete tear down, right down to the frame
2. Partial engine rebuild (depends on my financial situation)
2. re-paint frame, tank, exhaust, and seat
3. Lower suspension

REMINDER: This is all pending the bike's delivery/transaction (the purchase is not a done deal yet). I may even be getting ahead of myself in fact... Oh well, It cannot hurt to stay positive.

Cross your fingers and hope for the best everyone!

EDIT: Due to bad weather the bike was not delivered, and MAY be delivered tomorrow at around 3-4pm... You guys will be the first to hear what ends up happening!

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