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Thursday, March 5, 2009

And so it begins

Alright! fresh start. Where to begin? Well I suppose I should start by telling everyone a bit about myself.

My name is Nick and I'm a bike addict. Ive been riding since the age of 13, am the proud owner of a 2005 KTM 125 sx motocross bike, and am currently awaiting the delivery of my next baby, a Honda CB 360. I live in Canada, and am still in school.

Alright, so proceeding on with the real news.

I am eagerly awaiting delivery of my first ever road bike (and soon to be cafe racer). A Honda CB 360T (year unknown as of this day). And have no parts, no money, and the few tools i have for my KTM currently at my disposal.... If i had a magic eight ball right now it would be showing OUTLOOK NOT SO GOOD.

But there are two things I DO have, which are
1. Knowledge, Ive done work on off-road bike before so that will likely come in handy! I also have experience in documenting projects
2. Other peoples knowledge. Specifically, The good people from www.dotheton.com ... I suppose I can thank them for my new found addiction! I'm talking, of course, about Cafe Racers and bikes.

I suppose I should tell you what you can expect to see in my future blogs. Progress updates featuring plenty of pictures, How-to sections (so you can learn from my mistakes!), history lessons on Honda motorcycles and on what makes a Cafe Racer, and hopefully much more!

Finally, The bike will be delivered this Saturday! (SO EXCITED) So you can expect many pictures to be posted at the very least by the end of this weekend!

Well, Here's to my first post!! Cheers!


  1. Hey Nick... want me to take the pictures for you? :)

  2. That would be awesome if you could! Drop by on saturday and we can chill and take some shots.

  3. Dude nice blog, hope its awsome will be looking at it from time to time, hopefully learn something while i am at it. i have always been into bikes, not building them but riding them. grats on your new awesome bad-ass project
