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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Progress report: Tank & carbs

Its been a while since I last updated this, mainly because I haven't felt there has been any progress lately. I have come to a point in the project where I need money to put into the project in order to proceed. Money which I do not have right now. Nevertheless, I have managed to order a few replacement parts. I managed to find a replacment triple tree on ebay, along with air filters and the left handlebar control assembly. I have also managed to strip the paint off of the tank and plan to begin patching the dents soon. The carburateurs have been cleaned and reassembled. I also managed to take apart the petcock which (surprise surprise!) needs new gaskets and a good cleaning. On the plus side of things, I have a good lead on someone who is selling a cb360 as a parts donor bike. If I can gather the funds together I am hoping to buy it and see what I can use off of it, then resell the rest. One way or another, I will try to find a way to keep making progess.

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